Doing exercises and inventing are two completely different things. Doing exercises is about solving problems within a predetermined framework using existing theories and knowledge. The purpose is to reinforce these theories and knowledge in the mind. The more exercises one does, the easier it is to become conservative and treat these theories and knowledge as unquestionable rules, imprisoning one's own mind. On the other hand, inventing involves constructing new theories and tools, breaking existing boundaries, and overturning traditions and conventions. It is the darling of freedom.
There is a significant difference in the sense of freedom between doing exercises and inventing. The former follows a narrow track that has already been planned, while the latter faces a vast unknown in all directions. Therefore, there are completely different experiences and feelings when doing these two things. When doing exercises, you can experience what it means to be limited, and when inventing, you can feel what it means to be free.
Chinese people are good at doing exercises - just like being accustomed to authoritarianism, while Americans are good at inventing - just like being accustomed to freedom. Apart from the influence of exam-oriented education, it is closely related to the psychological impact caused by their social system and cultural environment.