A selectively visible internet is actually an evolution and upgraded version of the concept of flow control. For example, let's say you are a potential heavyweight political dissident, but you haven't gained much attention yet, or you have invented a technology that can cause significant social change (such as the Bitcoin blockchain invented by Satoshi Nakamoto), but it hasn't been made public yet. However, Big Brother has already targeted you through big data analysis a long time ago. Big Brother decides that it would be best to turn you into a friend and subdue you in a more humane way. They start by manipulating your online social relationships, such as arranging agents to date you, get married, and have children with you. They control you through interpersonal (intimate) relationships. When your wife, children, and even friends are all people of Big Brother, and there are various interests involved, would you dare to disobey? So, how can they ensure that you can only date people designated by Big Brother? That is to upgrade the current flow control technology, allowing you to set certain people to see your posts while others cannot. On the timeline, only agents, internet trolls, and other people of Big Brother can have a two-way visibility with you. Other people either cannot see their posts or you cannot see theirs, or neither of you can see each other. In the end, you can only miss each other. Therefore, the only people you can interact with are those of Big Brother. You may think you have the freedom to choose, but in reality, no matter who you date, you cannot escape the clutches of Big Brother. In a sense, your fate is controlled by the selectively visible internet created by Big Brother. Isn't it terrifying?
A Selectively Visible Internet
AI Translation
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AI-generated summary
Selective visible internet is an evolved and upgraded version of the concept of limiting information flow. It allows those in power to control individuals by manipulating their social relationships and interactions. This control is achieved by restricting visibility of certain posts and only allowing designated individuals to interact with the target. Ultimately, this technology enables those in power to control people's lives and destinies.